Note: Some games work with the DS4 without DS4Windows. All should be good to go once you connect the controller, if not restart DS4Windows, or even your computer.Connect the DS4 via a micro usb or through bluetooth (DS4 Device name: "Wireless Controller") may need to enter pair code: 0000).If you have used SCP's tool in the past, you may need to uninstall the drivers to use the DS4 with Bluetooth.A windows will pop up showing how to install the driver, if not, go to settings and click "Controller/Driver Setup".Launch DS4Windows and choose where you want to save profiles.Extract the 2 programs from zip file (DS4Windows and DS4Updater).Sony DualShock 4 or other supported controller.Microsoft 360 Driver (link inside DS4Windows, already installed by Windows if you've used a 360 controller before).ViGEmBus driver (DS4Windows will install it for you).NET 4.8 or higher (needed to unzip the driver and for macros to work properly) Assign a deadzone to both analog sticks, the triggers, and the sixaxis.Get a reading of how the sticks and sixaxis is working.Hold an action to access a new whole set of controls.Automatically switch profiles by when a certain program(s) is launched.

You can map controllers to any game, including those with keyboard + mouse support, use macros and more. It also supports the Nintendo Switch Pro controller and Joy Cons.

Which controllers are supported by DS4Windows?ĭS4Windows can help you use most modern PlayStation controllers on Windows PCs: the DualShock 3, DS4, and PS5 DualSense. By emulating a Xbox 360 controller, many more games are accessible and you can play PC games using the PlayStation controller. DS4Windows is a portable program that allows you to get the best experience while using a DualShock 4 on your PC.